Sonoma Eyeworks

social media Design
Expressing the concept of "realized" by focusing on making it bigger through physicality, materiality, and dimensionality by showcasing BFA Graphic Design Level 3 student work on a 14-foot-wide giant “3” installation using bright yellow vinyl hanging across 3 surfaces.
sep 2024–jan 2025
4 months
my role
Art director/graphic design intern @ Nesscessity

Project type
internship, client
research, competitive analysis, art direction, brand book, social media graphics

canva, Illustrator, figma
CAPTCHA = Human-Machine Conversation
CAPTCHA, which stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart", is a type of challenge that presents noisy, distorted, blurry images to determine whether the user is human or a bot, intended to be not machine-readable.

The key to CAPTCHA tests is that you must pay attention to solve it and verify that you are human. As graduating students go through thesis, one becomes authenticated as a designer who can stand alone to communicate ideas using their unique lens on the world.

With the rise of AI, this is what sets us apart: the soul. While perhaps some projects may utilize AI, we know when and how to use it. As designers, we know how to utilize tools and what’s needed to carry out and complete and bring ideas into fruition.

Design is an experimental iterative process based on the interpretation of reality. Using students’ interpretation of the word “attention”, expressing how they see their world, each thesis project is an iteration of the word “attention”: what one has decided to put their attention on.
How might we involve a viewer with a graphic that is difficult to read but is activating? Often in graphic design, we question: is something legible? Is it a good thing if it's not legible?